Hello & Bienvenue!

My name is Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely
and I founded Big Belly Breathing in 2022.

As a California maman of two daughters, with French roots in Haute Savoie (La Yaute!), and as an urban school educator (20+ years in LA & SF), I created “Big Belly Breathing” as a response to an obvious need that only intensified during the pandemic.

Drawing on my extensive French cultural foundation and California living, as well as my experience in education, health, and as a mom, I am dedicated to teaching kids how to prioritize their health by adopting daily routines and rituals.

Through the “Big Belly Breathing” website, kids can learn how to meditate with a mantra and enjoy the podcast, a collection of guided meditations, stories, and mini health lessons designed especially for them.

By establishing daily rituals, routines, and habits of mindfulness, kids can increase their health and joy.

Healthy Habits = Happy Kids!

Guiding Principles:

ALL children deserve and benefit from learning a robust health education at an early age.

  • Everyone is welcome here; inclusion is our way.

  • Physical, mental and emotional health is acquired through

    habits & self-discipline.

  • When these routines & rituals are established young, they lead to
    happier and healthier adults.

  • Think of it like this: kids learn practices like brushing their teeth from a young age, and this prevents tooth decay and gum disease.

  • With this same thinking, kids learn to meditate and create habits on BBB that help them: prevent, minimize or handle things better like anxiety, depression, lack of concentration, sleep, mood changes, self-esteem issues…to name a few .

It’s optimal to equip children with nuggets of knowledge on
nutrition & exercise as well as a multitude of tools to:

  • grow stronger

  • expand their creativity

  • process their emotions

  • self-regulate and soothe themselves

  • improve their skills to relate and connect with others

Are you nodding your head to all of this?
Want to know more?

Lemons to lemonade:

In 2009, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, and around that time also became trained in Transcendental Meditation and started a regular yoga practice.

Managing stress and understanding what works best for my body regarding nutrition & exercise are the main points I attribute with keeping my colitis, stress and sanity in check.

With my extensive background in education and personal experience in these spheres, I want to share my learnings with kids. They are our future, n’est-ce pas?

Best to plant seeds early to live fully.


  • Certified Holistic Health & Wellness Coach through AFPA

  • Yoga teacher & Social Emotional Learning facilitator through Breathe For Change

  • Physical Education and Multiple Subjects teacher in California since 2001

  • Mom to 2 kids since 2013

  • You can also find my profile on The Elles Collective, a Francophone woman networking group. Oh la la!

By joining the BBB journey, you’re investing in your kids’ health & future.

In addition to non stop
health talk, 
check out my

  • Past publications include several articles about public education,
    as well as a current San Francisco advice column “THE CITY Counselor”.

  • I am also seeking to publish the first of a series of children’s books:
    “Big Belly Breathing in San Franciso”.
    If you’re an interested literary agent, please DM me.

“Chalet Show” on bikes in Golden Gate Park